Koya Medical Announces Topline Results from Its Latest Trial

Koya Medical, today announces topline results from its TEAYS trial. TEAYS (NCT05507346) is a prospective multi-center, randomized cross-over study comparing lower extremity lymphedema treatment effectiveness of Dayspring?, Koya’s non-pneumatic compression device (NPCD) with a traditional advanced pneumatic compression device (APCD).


The study met its primary endpoints, achieving statistically significant differences in limb volume reduction, improvement of quality of life, and treatment adherence, all favoring the Dayspring treatment arm over the APCD treatment arm. In limb volume reduction, the Dayspring arm achieved a mean reduction of 369.9mL from baseline compared to that of 83.1mL for the APCD arm. In quality of life, the Dayspring arm achieved 1.01 point improvement on the LYMQOL survey compared to 0.17 point improvement for APCD. In treatment adherence, rate of adherence…

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